Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Bunge Jumping Experience in Stockhorn, Switzerland

everyone had to squeeze in
 Switzerland was an amazingly beautiful country. When I realized they had many options for outdoor activities, I just knew I had to experience one of them if not multiple! My choices ranged from skydiving, para sailing, paragliding, bungee jumping, canyoning, and canyon jumping. Bungee jumping was on my bucket list since I was young, and I just knew I needed to do it while in Switzerland with all their scenic views. Only one other girl from the group was coming along to do the jump which sounded
the view from the gondola
good to me. I so didn't want to do it alone. Jen and I contacted the bungee jumping people and they came and picked up us right at our hotel. We than had to go to the headquarters for their business and sign forms saying we understand the risks of our decision to bungee jumping. Than we had a van ride winding through the mountains for 30 minutes. Next we got to ride a gondola up to the first stop. We than got to be harassed up and they told us what to do in German. We were attempting to translate for ourselves and the only thing we could figure out was if there was any questions at the end. So pretty much we laughed though the whole thing. Luckily someone came over and gave us the shortened version in English. We than got to experience the second gondola ride to which is where we are squeezed together (picture at top). We than got to wait for our turn two guys went, and than they switched bungee cords to my weight class. The girls in front of me would not go so I volunteered to go! I had to squeeze through everyone to get to the front. My feeling at that time was just pumped up to do it. I've been waiting all day for this exact moment. They finally got everything ready to go. Than they just had me step out and started counting down.... FOUR..............THREE ..............
 TWO.............................................ONE!  In that moment I was scared out of my mind as in the picture above^ I started screaming soon as I was about to jump.... Once my feet were clear and I started falling it was such a unique body experience. There was like zero gravity and just felt like I was flying.
 Than came the whiplash! I had no clue which way was up or which way was down. I was just enjoying the ride and finally stopped screaming my lungs out because I knew I was safe and everything worked how it should be. The view was absolutely breathtaking.

 But one thing for sure was we were insanely high up and got to jump quite a ways (425ft). Finally I came to stand still upside down this all felt like a lot longer but really it took about 45 seconds. The blood was rushing to my head and all I could think that was the coolest thing I have done by far. I was just in shock how it was so much fun and breathtaking when the boat came and I had to grab onto the pole to be lower into the boat.
When I got unconnected from the bungee cord, the guys told me I got a "wicked whiplash" in their words. I myself could not even tell how high up I went because it was hard to tell. All I knew I had a blast and ready to do the whole thing again. I will definitely be wanting to experience that high again in my lifetime but not sure if it will be able to be in such a beautiful place like Switzerland. I highly recommend this to anyone who is a risk/thrill seeker. I must thank NDSU Center for Global Initiatives for letting me experience Europe in 5 weeks :) You can get more information at http://ndsu-studyabroad.blogspot.com/

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