Wednesday, November 23, 2011

The Wonders of Paris

Paris is an amazing city. It has many wonders to discover within the city. I was only there for a short weekend but was able to find some places I will be coming back to in the future. The first and the most obvious is the Eiffel Tower of course. You must see it not only during the daytime but at nighttime to see it all lite up. Also for ten minutes each hour it sparkles and that is a extremely nice view. The third view of the tower is from the top of course. The picture below is taken from the very top. If you go to Paris, make sure you see it from one of these views or all three of them to get the full effect of Paris.
 Another wonder of Paris is putting your foot on the center of Paris. It is just a fun photo shot that makes you feel cool. Also when your walking around Paris you need to keep your eyes peeled for street performers. They just act like they are blending in with their surrounding but really they are putting on a show for anyone that notices. The Egyptian man would bow at you when you would put money in his cup.Than the

white man on the left was shooed away by the policeman before I could figure out what he was doing. Than there are dancing performers that will put on a show using a portable boombox attempting to stay away from the police as well. By the Eiffel Tower, there are guys that try to take your money but playing street games also. All these street performers are a fun wonder of Paris to take in.
 Another fun wonder is the face bridge. Henry the IV had a huge party for his friends and they drank all night long. At the end of the night everyone was intoxicated and he had portraits made of all his three hundred guests than looking at them the next morning he thought they were to funny not to share with everyone. So he had them set around this bridge they all look slightly different. It was a fun sight to see and was different from all the other bridges I have been seeing. 
 The last wonder I have for you from Paris is the Pont des Arts which is better known as the lock bridge. Lovers come here to lock away their love for eternity. They put their initials on the lock and throw the key in the river below. This bridge was made more famous by Sex and the City. Big and Carrie meet on this bridge after they had been broken up. This is a short summary of the wonders I discovered while I was in Paris and will hopefully be going back to see more. For more information about how this was all possible visit to find out about study aboard opportunities. 
-Caitlin :)

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